It's here! It's here! My FAVORITE month! YESSSSSSSSSS
Oh I love this weather so much! It's probably thanks to my dad - for taking us camping every Fall season to "The Fall Campout" where we would drive up to Wisconsin and camp in Dundee near an awesome hill. We would always do cool things - definitely some of the BEST memories of my childhood. It started when my dad and his old high school friends decided they would all meet every Fall and camp together with their families.
We had a Chili dump - where we would make a famous food called "chili". Each family would make a pot of chili (which is like a stew with tomatoes and ground beef and peppers and a few veggies and whatever else you decide to put in) - and they would make enough for their own family members. Then all of the families would come together and dump the chili into one big pot - so you never know what you'll get! My dad loves to make HOT chili, but I remember that year, dad made OUR family's chili EXTRA hot to compensate for everyone elses chili which he knew wouldn't be hot! :)
Another time, my dad's friend Pete brought some hatchets and a wooden throwing board. We would take about 12 paces from the board and throw the hatchet at a target - such as a playing card. The goal was to cut the card in half.
At night, we would get glow sticks and climb the hill - but we always waited until it was really dark. Somebody always ended up breaking open their glow stick and dumping it everywhere to make random things glow.
Anyway - in Korea, I'm happy October is here. Tonight... perhaps I'll smoke a cigar.