2008년 1월 26일 토요일

BigBang (song): Last Farewell

Here's another BigBang song. I think this is my favorite musician in Korea right now (that I've heard). Although... I DID hear this Korean violinist named Kim Chee-Yun and she was AMAZING! There are many amazing musicians out there... but the violin music she wrote and played was SO my style! It was like... Stravynski on violin!!! FYI: Stravynski is my favorite pianist... or wait, he is a close second. George Winston is first.

Anyway - this BigBang song is extremely popular in Korea right now. When you walk down a city block, it's likely you'll hear this song playing in front of one of the stores. It's not my FAVORITE song they do, but I do like it and it's catchy.

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