2008년 2월 22일 금요일

Bizzare Claw Game: You win a WHAT?!?

I was just walking around Seoul, near the Sungshin women's university area. It's normal for me to investigate anything I see that strikes my interest. Needless to say - I take a peek into every claw game I pass to see what the prizes are. WELL... I passed the most bizzare claw game EVER!!! The traditional yellow claw machine was filled with water, and HUGE living lobsters were just chillin' in the bottom.

I was SOOOO close to playing! But I was afraid I'd win! If I won - I'd have to run away. EEEK! A LOBSTER?!? ack!

And can you imagine what the lobster is thinking? hahaha... WOW! A random claw comes in and tries to grab you sometimes - I imagine they think something like what is represented in the movie "Toy Story" with those little aliens. Maybe they think they're going to a better place? Hmmm...

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