2008년 7월 25일 금요일

SEVERANCE Hospital??? WHOA!!!

Ellie and I were walking around in Sinchon (pronounced Shinch-un), a well known area of Seoul, when suddenly I saw this enormous and well-known hospital called Severance Hospital.

Severance?!? How SCARY! I would never want to go there! Why on earth would they give a hospital this name??? Yikes!

"I'm sorry, we're going to have to cut it off." - and that's about all I imagine their solution is.

Of course I'm just joking. I'm sure it's a great hospital... but seriously, change the name!

I asked some of my students about it, and that never occurred to them. They thought severence had something to do with being saved. lol! I was like... "nope... guess again..."

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